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Men's Comfort Waist Traditional Fit Comfort-First Jeans - Lands' End - Blue - 42

These Men's Comfort Waist Traditional Fit Comfort-First Jeans from Lands' End are the most comfortable jeans ever. Made with stronger denim that uses less water than conventional denim wash techniques, these jeans come with a stretch waistband that stretches up to 2 extra inches for an always-perfect fit. Get your hands on them today!
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Lands' End
Odwiedź witrynę


These Men's Comfort Waist Traditional Fit Comfort-First Jeans from Lands' End are the most comfortable jeans ever. Made with stronger denim that uses less water than conventional denim wash techniques, these jeans come with a stretch waistband that stretches up to 2 extra inches for an always-perfect fit. Get your hands on them today!

Cechy produktu

Waist Size42
FeaturesComfort Waist